So, you’d like to contribute! First of all, thanks!

There are three major ways to contribute to Paintbrush:

Spread the word!

The easiest way to help out Paintbrush is to tell people about it. Tell your parents, tell your friends, tell your little sister – just get the word out!

Help make Paintbrush better!

Paintbrush has always been, and will always be, completely open source. This makes it simple for anyone to contribute a patch for a desired feature or their pet bug. Just make sure you’ve already let us know before you put too much time into it: there’s always a chance that we’re already working on it.

Want an up-to-the-minute snapshot of the program's development? Fire up the terminal and run the following command to check out the latest source:

svn co

(Note: this code is almost always a work in progress, so don’t expect much.)

Give us money!

I won’t put you to sleep with a long, tragic plea for money, but I will point out that we have a PayPal account if you’re feeling generous. As always, any donations are greatly appreciated, but completely voluntary. Just click the “Support this project” button to the left, or from within the program itself choose Paintbrush -> Donate! to be directed to our site.